Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Change is Coming!

Blog readers, I want you to be the first out there to know in 2011, we will be introducing some new material to help you take your family deeper in their walk with Christ.  I won't go into too much detail now, but please stay tuned here and on the Facebook page for more information about how these materials can effect your family on a WEEKLY basis.

On another note, please remember that I will be leaving for Ukraine on December 3.  So I will not be updating my ministry blog for the month of December.  Please keep Stephanie and I in your prayers as we complete the adoption.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tools For Parents

Parents, I want to let you know about a few things that are out there to help you as parents. Check them out. -- They provide families with a great resource called a CUE Box.  The box gives you and the kids to help them get into what is being taught at church. It includes a DVD, a small gift, and ideas to help them read certain stories in the Bible.  This box is what we have been giving out for free at The Challenge.

Are you looking to connect with other Christian parents across the country? Then check out

I am excited to also tell you that I am writing a guide to help you lead devotions at your home! Keep your eyes open for this guide after the new year!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gideon aka Mr. Nobody

When God called Gideon to lead an army, he was hiding in a winepress -- not a very bold move for someone God was about to use as a great military leader and someone my wife would name her cat after.

After the angel appeared to Gideon, he made excuses just like we do. "I'm not good enough;" "That's not in my comfort zone;" "What if they say no;" "What if...." You can just fill in the blank for whatever your excuse is when God calls you to do something. The funny thing is, why do we say no like Gideon, when we know that God always succeeds? Why did Gideon say no to God when God promised victory? Why did Barak say no when Deborah told him he would have victory in Judges 4? Why do we so no when God us to do something as simple as help the homeless of STL? Why? Why? Why?

However we and our kids can learn something here. God never gives up on us.  He kept coming back to Gideon because Gideon was the perfect man for the job.  He never gave up on Gideon.  God has a perfect job for you too.  I am not sure what that job is for you, but why do you keep saying no? You are the perfect person for God's plan, so just listen to him. Just like in Gideon's life, he will walk you through every single step.

Now those steps may seem crazy, like fighting a battle with only 300 men. You see God had a plan, these 300 men would not even have to yield their own swords the enemy army would defeat itself! Wow, God definitely does some crazy things in our eyes. However, it reminds us who is in control.  You better believe that 300 men always remember what GOD did on that day rather than the amazing and heroic fight they put up.

We have to remember as Christians that our life is not our own. We are to use it to worship God, so let's stop telling him no and start letting him lead the way.

So when you go to talk to your kids about Uniqueness this week and the story of Gideon, why don't you talk about these things.
  • Do you think Gideon was scared?
  • What might have happened if Gideon refused to believe God wanted him to lead the Israelite army?
  • Help your child think of other stories of “nobodies” that were able to make a difference. Talk together about how God created everyone to be a somebody.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Child Dedication Day

I have been working on stuff for Child Dedication Day today.  This is now the 3rd year I have been able to plan this event for our families and it is really one of my favorite "special" weekends of the year to plan and be a part of and today's blog post is about why I love it so much.

I love to plan for this event because I get to see all the new kids little ones we have at the church.  We open up CDD to families who have had a baby in the past year, have started coming to church here in the last year and have a child under the age of 3, and any children that have been adopted in the past year. Because I do not have much contact with the kids in our nursery, it gives me a chance to begin to be a part of their live, meet their parents, and most importantly a time to pray over them while I prepare for this special day. It is so fun to talk to parents as they talk about their little child, to see their face and the smile these little ones bring to them is priceless.
I also love to plan this event because it reminds me of three extremely important responsibilities.
  • It reminds me of my responsibility to my son and continuing to show him who Christ is in my own life and also his.  Deuteronomy 6 is so clear that I have a responsibility to give him every chance I have to model who Christ is as our Father and give him every chance to make his own life long commitment to Christ. What a huge responsibility and I think that is my greatest responsibility of all.
  • I have a responsibility, as the children's minister to help grow these kids to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. There is just something special about having an opportunity week in and week out to invest in the spiritual lives of all these kids that walk through the doors of Wentzville Christian Church.  What an honor that is to have parents bring their kids to me and my team so we can help teach them about Christ.
    • Ephesians 4:10-12 says this and I know I am called by God to teach, so God has given me the gifts to the body of Christ can be built up
    • He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe. So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.
  • I remember my responsibility to help parents train up their child in the ways of the Lord.  I strive to help you as parents have tools and resources that make teaching your kids about Christ's love.  If there is any way I can help you teach the ways of the Lord to your kids, please let me know so I can help.
I also love to be a part of this day because I have a chance to again see the joy on the faces of these parents who are having their children dedicated to the Lord.  I also love my opportunity to share with the church their obligation to partner with me and the parents to help train these kids up in the ways of Christ.  I also love to see the church's faces as they see these beautiful kids being brought to them.

Thank you so much for this opportunity!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November Overview

Nursery and FirstLook

God made you, and He will take care of you. Could there be anything more comforting than that? Knowing that the Creator of the universe made little old me, and that He wants to take care of me. Wow! How amazing! That's what we're teaching our preschoolers this month. We want them to know that God made them, and that He cares about them - each and every one of them.

We want our preschoolers to finish this month knowing without a doubt that "My God will meet all your needs," (Philippians 4:19, NIrV). We want them to know that God cares about them even more than the birds of the air or the flowers of the field. We want them to know that He will provide for them when they are hungry and thirsty. He will provide people to care for them. God has a plan for their lives and will always, always, be there for them.

Trunk or Treat Pictures (for more check us out on Facebook)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trunk or Treat Thoughts

I have been reading some debates on whether not we as the church should do events like Trunk or Treat and allow our kids to dress up on Halloween.  Here are a few of the comments and then my thoughts.

Here are the two sides of the debate:

1. You ignore the holiday completely and witness to your community by your upright stance against such an evil day.
  • Common Biblical example: Daniel and his friends refusing to eat the King’s food.
  • Daniel 1:8
    “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.”
2. You embrace the holiday and participate in the festivities with the intent of witnessing to your neighbors and friends.
  • Common Biblical example: Jesus dining with sinners.
  • Matthew 9:10
    “While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and “sinners” came and ate with him and his disciples.”
3. Note: There is always a third side to any debate that says there is two sides… just so you know… so, the third option would be any of the gray area between the first two ends of the spectrum.
  • Common Biblical example: Paul’s letter to Titus on purity.
  • Titus 1:15
    “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” 
From Rob
"We are very active in our neighborhood all year long. Kids are in and out of our house all the time. Our house is always filled with neighbor kids. But on Halloween we don't lock ourselves in the house, we go do something fun as a family. Quite frankly, I think our neighbors would be shocked if they saw us running from house to house getting candy on Halloween because it wouldn't match who they see us as and that is exactly how I want it to be.  "

From Darci
"I try my utmost to respect everyone's belief. I take offense when someone attacks where I sit. If you aren't comfortable with it and choose not to do anything, I am fine with that...but respect that I enjoy the holiday and take every opportunity to teach to the kids that the holiday CAN glorify our Lord and Savior."

From Eric
"Um. Why do we choose one day to be afraid of the Devil? One day to recognize that there is a celebration of evil? This stuff happens every day. Going out trick or treating isn't necessarily a celebration of evil as it is a celebration of Candy. If we revere Halloween as the only day that the Devil comes out to play then we're giving him 364 other days of playtime. I think rather than teaching kids that one day out of the year is a day to stay indoors and not do anything doesn't fully prepare them for the spiritual battle that we all face.
Just my opinion."

From Me (Matt)
I believe I call into category #2 above.  Yes, there are things that are wrong about Halloween, but there are also things that are wrong with how we as Americans celebrate Christmas. Does that mean we should not celebrate Christmas too.  I feel wee need to be out in our neighborhood building community with those that see us and how we live on a daily basis. I agree with Rob above, I like his idea of not going house to house, but what about hosting a neighborhood block party and letting the kids play together, eat soup around a fire and have some fun together.  That is what I enjoyed the most about last night.

Trunk or Treat 2010

Trunk or Treat was amazing.  We had so much fun seeing all the kids in their costumes.  We estimated, based on the number of pieces of candy that were given out, that we had nearly 300 kids walk through our Trunks and decorate a cupcake.

I have pictures of the trunks and will post them later when I get the pictures off the camera.

1st Place went to the Weilers with their Scooby Doo Mystery Mobile, they even included the monster that they caught!

2nd Place went to the Stanfills and their Under the Sea Trunk that included a living mermaid and shark!

3rd Place went to Ostmans and their Red Carpet of Bible Hereos and movie watching station!

Thanks so much to everyone who brought cupcakes in for the kids to decorate, decorated a trunk and helped out in other ways.  Thanks so much to the the Wolf Family for sticking around an extra hour to help with clean up!