Monday, November 14, 2011

God is Almighty (November 20 in KidQuest)

This week in KidQuest, we are going to fast forward a little to the life of Samuel. Samuel is an amazing figure in the Old Testament from his birth all the way to his death! This year we are going to spend some time looking at his life in KidQuest and discover how god used him.

God is mighty to save, mighty to heal, and mighty to love! Hannah called God the “Lord Almighty.” This was the first time this name for God was used in Scripture, though it was used many times afterward. “Lord Almighty” is translated Jehovah Tsaba, which means “Lord of Hosts.” The mood of this word in the Hebrew language describes a person who would go first or “before” into battle and fight for you—someone who is mighty and you would want to follow. It is interesting that this name—Lord of Hosts—first appears when Hannah cries out to God during her vow to dedicate her unborn child back to Him.

At the time of her prayer, Hannah had no idea God would answer her anguished cries and not only give her the child she prayed for, but also give her a child who would eventually lead Israel into a new era in which godly leaders modeled obedience to God for the people. Her son’s name was Samuel. It was Samuel who would anoint David, God’s choice for a king, the lineage from whom Jesus Christ would someday ascend.

In this way, God was not only mighty to answer Hannah’s prayers and give her a child, but also mighty to accomplish His purposes as a Sovereign ruler who went before His people into new life. Here, God’s plan for Israel’s future redemption met with Hannah’s anguished and righteous cry for a son.

So in this pivotal moment of Israel’s history, between the time of the judges and the monarchy, God granted Hannah’s request and brought forth the next step in His plan for His people—in which Samuel led the people as an obedient servant of God. God was mighty to use Samuel to usher in a new era for His people, and did so by answering the prayer of a barren woman of faith.

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