Thursday, January 12, 2012

Writing Songs

On Sunday, our kids learned about David dancing before God in his UNDERWEAR.  The focus on the lesson was to do everything for God and it doesn't really matter what other people think.

Just imagine the KING, in the middle of the city of Jerusalem dancing around in his underwear.  Granted he had a great excuse, God had just given his people the Ark of the Covenant back, oh what a scene and party that must have been.

Since David was a song writer and wrote much of the book of Psalms, our small group activity was to write a worship song. I am so proud of the way these kids put their heads together and wrote a song together.

I am sorry parents, but the 10:30 service was not able to get to this activity because they went downstairs to witness Brendan's baptism; seeing someone join Christ's family trumps anything else we can do while we are worshiping Him.

Here is what the 9:00 1st Grade Small Group wrote --

God we love you,
God you love us,
God you are in our hearts.

You make me happy,
You shine like a star,
You watch over us
You are the best by far

Here is what the 2/3 Grade Small Group wrote --

Jesus you are the Mighty King
You are the King of Kings
You are the Lord of Lords
You are the Lord of Heaven

You are Holy
We will worship you all day
We love you with all our hearts
And you love us right back

You are strong and powerful
No one can beat you
Strong and mighty
King of ALL

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