Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

I was so excited when our KidQuest Nursery team leaders sent me these pictures of our nursery having a birthday party for Jesus!   Here is a summary of what the lesson (for Nursery and FirstLook) was about in case you missed it or you missed the Take Home Resources. It got me thinking about their lesson and why exactly they were having this party.

The lesson came from Luke 2:6-18
God sends angels to local shepherds to announce that Jesus, the Messiah, has been born. The shepherds quickly go and see Jesus. 

Sometimes we tend to just read over what happened next in the lives of the shepherds, but our kids were able to learn about it this weekend.


Many times we don't think about how this must have changed the lives of these lowly shepherds.  The Bible doesn't say they were in a hurry to get back to their animals.  I can just imagine, they dropped everything and ran to Bethlehem and didn't even think about what was going to happen to their animals.  This Messiah they had been waiting about, that they learned about when they were boys in Jewish school was here.  Can you imagine the excitement?  I know how excited I get after waiting 4 years  for the World Cup to happen, I can't even imagine how much anticipation they must have had because they had waited their whole lives, not only that, but I am sure that their fathers and grandfathers also told about the coming Messiah and helped build this anticipation. 

With all that anticipation, seeing not just one angel but a multitude, seeing baby Jesus, I am sure that these shepherds could have cared less about their animals in the field.  In my head, I imagine that after the shepherds left the stable the ran all over Bethlehem screaming, shouting, stopping people in the street much life our famous Paul Revere, but rather than telling them about the British, they were telling everyone about the Savior of the world.  This honor must have been so special to them.

But what about the rest of their lives? I would like to think the continued to tell everyone they met for their entire lives, though they might not have seen many people in their profession.  But that leads me to a question about us.  What are we doing to tell everyone we meet about Jesus' life.  The cool thing is too that we know the rest of the story.  Are we showing and telling EVERYONE we meet about Jesus through love and service?  

It is so good to know that our kids are learning to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but not only that, they are learning to tell others about him as well.  I am so excited to see what they young kids will do for Christ as they grow into their relationships with Him.

Check out these pictures of the fun they had celebrating this special day! Then check out the video about what they have learned all month long!

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