"I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."
Environment -- Out of the Comfort Zone
As children are challenged to step out of their comfort zone from an early age, they learn to experience a dependence on the Holy Spirit to equip and strengthen them beyond their natural abilities and desires. We believe this environment will cultivate a generation that, instead of seeking comfort, seeks a radical life of faith in Christ.
In John 14, Jesus comforts His disciples after they learn of His impending death and departure. He assures them of the covenant He is making—much like a marriage covenant between a betrothed couple—and promises His return. “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1–3 NASB).
Jesus often uses the metaphor of a bridegroom and his bride as a way to describe the relationship between Himself and the church. In ancient Jewish traditions, when a man was to be married, his father would choose the bride for his son. If she accepted the proposal, the bridegroom would then begin to prepare a place for her in his father’s house, where he would bring his bride to dwell with him. The betrothed woman would wait with the oil of her lamp burning as a symbol to her groom that she was faithfully waiting for his return. Once the father of the bridegroom saw that all of his son’s preparations were completed, he would send the groom after his bride for the completion of the wedding ceremony.
Today, Christ Jesus is preparing a place for us to dwell with Him in His Father’s house. We too must wait faithfully, knowing He will return and bring us to Himself, where we will dwell with Him for all eternity.
This weekend, we will be talking about Heaven and this place that Jesus has went to prepare for us. Here is a prayer you can pray with your kids this week to start preparing their hearts for the lesson on heaven:
Lord Jesus, thank You for loving us so very much. May we always trust in You and Your Word. Please fill us with Your hope as we wait expectantly for You. Please allow us opportunities to share Your promises with those we meet. Give us courage to follow the leading of Your Holy Spirit. May we only move forward in love—Your love. May the words we speak, and the work of our hands and feet, be Yours alone. We will wait faithfully for Your return—please come soon.
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