The main focus of October will be the enviroment of Course Correction. Let’s face it … none of us really like to be corrected, especially when being corrected involves a season of pain. We would all like to make the right decisions the first time around and live in an environment that is filled with joy and easy living.
However, when we truly look at the environment of COURSE CORREC TIO N we realize it is an environment filled with grace, mercy, and, yes, even joy. To grasp the fact that we have a heavenly Father who loves us as His own sons and daughters and disciplines us only because He loves us is amazing and overwhelming. He doesn’t just discipline us and walk away, He takes the time to lift us up and get us back on the right path. He makes something beautiful out of the messes we create. I don’t know about you, but for me that is true joy!
This environment flows out of Hebrews 12:11–13 and is the direct opposite of punishment. Instead, biblical discipline encompasses: a season of pain, a building up in love, and a vision for a corrected path for the individual with the purpose of healing at its core.
This month we are looking at the environment of COURSE CORREC TIO N. Most people might think this sounds like a painful process. The truth is, it can be! When we find ourselves “off course” in life, sometimes just the realization that we are wrong can be painful. Sometimes the consequences of our decisions can be painful. However, God has a way of using our mistakes and missteps to make us beautiful and powerful examples of His love in our lives. I pray your family will experience the beautiful healing and restoration that God brings to His children.
KIDQUEST (elementary)
“O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.”
Psalm 30:2 (NIV)
FIRSTLOOK (preschool)
“You always show me the path that leads to life.”
Psalm 16:11a (NIrV)
- Starting in October we will be serving a dinner on Wednesday nights, 5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. before Bible studies. Be sure to come eat with us!
- Taking the Plunge -- A Baptism Class for Kids begins on October 12. Go to for more info.
- On October 30 at 3:00pm, we will host Trunk or Treat! Kids will have an opportunity to walk around our parking lot and trick or treat at decorated trunks. This has been a great event in years past and we expect it to be even better this year. Be on the lookout for how to sign up your trunk too!
- Operation Christmas Child Supply Drive and Packing Party. Right now we are in the middle of a supply drive for our 2nd Annual Operation Christmas Child Packing Party. In August, we collected school suppllies; In September, we collected hygine supplies; in October we will be collecting small toys. Please drop off any of these items in the green drop box under the missions bulletin board. The packing party will be November 5 at 10am (there is a rumor that we will also be having a pancake breakfast that morning prior to the packing party).
- SuperStart registration (4th, 5th, and 6th Graders) has started. SuperStart is the nation's largest preteen Christian conference. This year, we will be attending the conference in Louisville, KY on November 11, and 12. You can go to for more info.
- HomeFront Monthly
This month's HomeFront flows out of Hebrews 12:11-13 and focuses on the environement of "Course Correction". This great resource include food and game activities for the whole family as well as some great reading for you! You can download this month's HomeFront Monthly here. - ParentLink
ParentLink is our monthly parenting podcast that helps us understand key elements of an Orange Parenting Strategy. This month, I talk about "Creating a Rhythm" in your home that allows for spiritual formation to take place. This month, I propose an idea of a "To-Don't List." You can listen/download a number of different ways. You can listen on our website, download from the iTunes store, listen on our blog or Facebook page. - Family Currents
This month's Family Currents is all about "Living a Legacy" and goes right along with our current sermon series "Outlive Your Life." You can download this month's resource here. - Coming Soon!
A resource that will give you devotions that will help you walk through the Bible with your kids! We are going to call this resource "The Big God Story Bible Study."
- Our elementary kids will be getting their OWN room for Sunday morning worship very soon! We are in the construction phase of the KidQuest Room! We are going to have a paint day on October 8!