When God revealed His name to Moses in Exodus 3:14, He said, “‘I AM WHO I AM [Ehyeh-Asherr-Ehyeh]. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM [Ehyeh] has sent me to you.’” The word Ehyeh means, “to be” or “to become” and the word Asherr means “who” or “what.” Therefore, Ehyeh-Asherr-Ehyeh means, “I am that I am,” or “I am who I am,” or “I am going to be who I am going to be,” etc.

In the New Testament, Jesus indicated that He was Jehovah by calling Himself, “I am.” God said in John 15:1, “I am the true vine,” and in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world.” Through these and other confessions, Jesus revealed Himself as the everlasting Ehyeh-Asherr-Ehyeh, who has always been, will always be, and will continue to become what He will be for the sake of His people.
This week's lesson is told through the environment of FAITH COMMUNITY, the thread of worship, and focuses on God as the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings. God is everything we need, and He is sufficient for us. In Him, we find our comfort, our salvation, our Friend, and our fortress.
Spend some time worshipping the Lord and praying God will reveal Himself as the Lord of Lords in your life—the One who wants you to worship only Him. Pray He will become what you need. Are you feeling anxious? Pray He will be your peace. Are you feeling weak? Pray He will be your strength. Are you feeling sad? Pray He will be your joy. Spend time with God, who is sufficient to meet your every need. Also, allow God to use your faith community to strengthen you. Reach out to others in your church or family, and allow them to be God’s messengers in your life.
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