Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Parenting Moment

I experienced a parenting Ah ha this morning that I want to share with you.

My wife has been helping paint an amazing mural in our nursery area, and today she and the boys were going to ride into the church office with me.  As we were waiting for her to finish getting ready, my oldest son asked if we could work on memorizing his memory verse. I of course said yes! We had been waiting on him to approach us with this!

So Rance and I sat on the couch and within minutes he was starting to quote all of 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" It was amazing to me to listen to this 7 year old, who is still learning English to be putting to memory God's Word!

We then got loaded in the van and drove the 15 minutes to the church. The entire time, Rance was talking about all sorts of things like he normally does.  Never in that 15 minutes did he mention the memory verse, so I thought we would  have to relearn it this evening.  However, as we were walking back to the nursery, Rance started quoting the memory verse again!

He had hidden God's word in his heart in only a few short minutes.  He may not fully understand what the verse means, but do we really know what it is like to be a new creation?  Do we really live like we are a new creation in Christ?  I saw right there in my son that God is already working in Rance to make him into a new creation! 

I am so excited that he loves to read his Bible and put God's Word in his heart. Just yesterday, Rance started reading his Bible to his little brother, you can't beat that! Big brother leading the way to following Christ!

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