Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Question for Parents

As a young parent, I have the desire to do a good job raising my children, actually I want to be the best parent in the world, that is just how I am wired. I want people to look at my kids and say, "WOW, what a great dad Matt is!"

This quest to be the best parent in the world led me to what I believe is the most important part of being a parent. The most important thing about being a parent is not to be a perfect parent with perfect kids but rather to pass on a vibrant and transforming faith. I decided I want my children to KNOW and HEAR God's voice and be able to discern it from all the other voices of the culture around the. I pray they will desire to bey Him when they HEAR his voice.

So then the question became, how do I do that? Leading my kids to have a vibrant faith in Christ is a huge task, what if I mess up and lead them away from Christ.

That is when I found a book called Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony.  I passed it on to Joe as well, and we decided that we needed to share this great info with you.  So on August 26, 27, Joe and I will be hosting a Spiritual Parenting Seminar at WCC.

The cost is only $15. This price includes your copy of Michelle's book, childcare, snacks, lunch on Saturday and some great wisdom from Matt, Joe and Michelle Anthony.

We look forward to you joining us.  You can register by going to www.wentzvillecc.org/parenting or sign up in the church foyer.

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